École Whitehorse Elementary School
On grandit. On parle. On prend soin de nous et des autres. Tu es des nôtres.
We grow. We speak. We Care, You Belong.
Ghäniye, Ghäkwiinche, D àk à ànita, Ja kwanchan iche
Welcome to École Whitehorse Elementary School. We are a Kindergarten to Grade 7 French Immersion school.

​Sick or Away?
Call 667-8083 or email ewesattendance@yukon.ca
Bell times: Day starts at 8:25 and ends at 3:07
Important Dates
​​ ​​​​​​
February - Kindness Month
February, 10-14th French Immersion Week
Friday, February 14th
No School Dance - Cancelled
Tuesday, February 18th
Rendezvous activities at EWES
Friday, February 21st -Heritage Day​
No school
Wednesday, February 26th
Pink Shirt Day
Thursday and Friday, February 27 & 28​​​​
Student-led Conferences​
Your 2024-26 School Council is:
Sarah Gallina, Chair
Gary Whittle, Vice-Chair
Johanna Havelaar, Secretary-Treasurer
Sheila Merkley, Member
Kelly Jiang, Member
Micah Quinn, Member
Ashley O’Brien, Member
School Council meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm in the EWES staff room. All EWES parents/guardians and community members are welcome.
School Council can be contacted by e-mail at ewesschoolcouncil@gmail.com.
​New Kindergarten Sibling for 2025-2026?
we reserve spots for siblings of a currently enrolled students
contact anne.harrison@yukon.ca
​New Schedules:
​Lunch hours:
Grades K, 1, 4 & 5 ~12:05- 12:30
Grades 2, 3, 6 & 7 ~ 12:30-12:55
Grades 2, 3, 6 & 7 ~ 12:05-12:30
Grades K, 1, 4 & 5 ~12:30- 12:55

Sharon MacCoubrey (Principal)
Celine Roy (Vice-Principal)
Jamie Jacobsen (Office Administrator)
Anne Harrison (Secretary)
Primary Teachers
Nathalie Millette (KA - Kindergarten)
Lucille Gauthier (KB - Kindergarten)
Natalie Alphonse (KC - Kindergarten)
Cynthia Malenfant (KD - Kindergarten)
Katie Akers (1A - Grade 1)
Chelsea Read (1C - Grade 1)
Carolyne Duval
Marie-Chloe Tessier (2A - Grade 2)
Line Pelletier/Jordan Lincez (2B - Grade 2)
Hannah Bayoumie (2C- Grade 2,
Chantal Emond (3A/4A - Grade 3/4)
Juliette Houllier (3C - Grade 3)
Valerie Bussières (3B - Grade 3)
Carolyne Duval
Intermediate Teachers
Janine Jewell (4c - Grade 4)
Carolyne Duval
Danielle Lang (4B - Grade 4)
Gabriel Regimbald (5A - Grade 5)
Sarah Johnson (5B - Grade 5)
Natasha Nancekivell (6A - Grade 6)
Angela Clark
Amberly Doucette (6B - Grade 6)
Sophie Brisebois/Val Long (Grade 6 LFI)
Marc Fankhauser (6/7C - Grade 6/7)
Cameron Brown (7A - Grade 7)
Jennifer Bruemmer (7B - Grade 7)
Lorianne Leblanc (Grade 7 LFI)
Learning Assistance
Marie-Maude Allard (Music)
Valerie Long (School Support)
Kat Roberts (Counselor)
Angela Clark (Counselor)
Daniel Girouard (P.E.)
Isabel Beauregard (P.E.)
Becca MacCulloch (Librarian/ Music Movement primary )
(Library Clerk)
Noli Eastmure (First Nations)
Sabrina Bouayad (Art )
Line Pelletier (French Support)
Support Staff
Nanette Belanger
Ona Toews-Cardona
Chris Hine