École Whitehorse Elementary School
On grandit. On parle. On prend soin de nous et des autres. Tu es des nôtres.
We grow. We speak. We Care, You Belong.
Ghäniye, Ghäkwiinche, D àk à ànita, Ja kwanchan iche
Welcome to École Whitehorse Elementary School. We are a Kindergarten to Grade 7 French Immersion school.
​Sick or Away?
Call 667-8083 or email ewesattendance@yukon.ca
Bell times: Day starts at 8:25 and ends at 3:07
Important Dates
​​ ​​​​
Monday, January 20th
PD day - no school
Wednesday, January 22th
kindergarten registration information night by zoom
Friday, January 31st
pizza lunch and beach theme day
February - Kindness Month
Wednesday, February 5th
Grade 8 information Night at FH Collins (all grade 7s and parents invited) 6:00 pm​
February, 10-14th French Immersion Week
Friday, February 14th
No School Dance - Cancelled
Tuesday, February 18th
Rendez-vous activities at EWES
Friday, February 21st -Heritage Day​
No school
Wednesday, February 26th
Pink Shirt Day
Thursday and Friday, February 27 & 28​​​​
Student-led Conferences​
Your 2024-26 School Council is:
Sarah Gallina, Chair
Gary Whittle, Vice-Chair
Johanna Havelaar, Secretary-Treasurer
Sheila Merkley, Member
Kelly Jiang, Member
Micah Quinn, Member
Ashley O’Brien, Member
School Council meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm in the EWES staff room. All EWES parents/guardians and community members are welcome.
School Council can be contacted by e-mail at ewesschoolcouncil@gmail.com.
​New Kindergarten Sibling for 2025-2026?
we reserve spots for siblings of a currently enrolled students
contact anne.harrison@yukon.ca
​New Schedules:
​Lunch hours:
Grades K, 1, 4 & 5 ~12:05- 12:30
Grades 2, 3, 6 & 7 ~ 12:30-12:55
Grades 2, 3, 6 & 7 ~ 12:05-12:30
Grades K, 1, 4 & 5 ~12:30- 12:55
March 15th 2021,
Dear EWES Families & Friends
We are once again preparing for our annual Read-a-thon fundraiser here at our school. This valuable fundraising activity enables us to pay for the many “extras,” which improve the quality of student life and help create a positive, inviting atmosphere here at EWES. We are asking our school community, families and friends to help us out by furnishing prizes for students, which will be used as incentives to read. Anything from books to toys to games to gift cards can be used to motivate our readers. If you come across any goodies throughout your spring cleaning that you would like to donate to a great cause, please bring them to our school office or contact Jamie.jacobsen@yukon.ca to arrange pickup.
Any assistance, which you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. The draw for prizes will be held the week of April 19th 2021.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at your convenience.
Sharon MacCoubrey